Successful Single Payer Conference in Lancaster, PA : Health Care for All Philadelphia

Successful Single Payer Conference in Lancaster, PA

January 13, 2008

About 150 people across Pennsylvania gathered to hear business, providers, and legislators discuss the Family and Business Health Security Act (House Bill 1660 and Senate Bill 300).

Dr. Walter Tsou served as the keynote speaker with a packed half hour talk on the reasons why our current health care system has failed and why single payer is the best and only way of getting to universal health care at an affordable price.

Business leaders Charlie Crystle, Allen Jacobs, and Mike Stout and moderated by Dr. Scott Tyson gave strong personal experiences of how choices in picking health plans can profoundly limit choices for their employees and how rising costs are killing their businesses.

Health providers Dr. Bill Davidson, Gale Thomason, and Kate Loving Shenk and moderated by Dr. Linda Beckman gave testimony to the problems faced by their practices with the rising numbers of uninsured and the cost of medical care.

Legislative leaders Reps. Kathy Mandarino, Barbara McIlvaine Smith and Senate Candidate Cindy Purvis spoke about the issues faced by the legislature in passing a single payer plan. Rep. Mandarino says to be prepared to be in this fight for the long haul and that there will be public hearings probably this spring. She said it will not happen unless the general public is demanding it everywhere representatives go. Rep. McIlvaine Smith said that this fight has personally affected her own business and her health and that she strongly supports the bill. Senate Candidate Purvis said that her city of Erie spends $5 million more because of the excessive cost of health care over what they would pay under a single payer plan.

There was a lot of enthusiasm about this first state conference on single payer and we were both inspired and challenged by the work ahead.


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